Ross is absolutely a chip off his grandfather Skip's block! He is an outstanding, fast, hard hunting labrador dog who is obedient too. His stop whistle is amazing considering his drive. He is an exciting dog to work giving his all on every retrieve. Good in water and over jumps. He has a super temperament and lives in the house with my other four labradors. He is yellow but his dam is my own Ettinsmoor Busy Lizzie who is one of my darkest red bitches so he will produce red pups.
Fully health tested Ross stands at stud. Proven at stud.
For stud enquiries please telephone 07836319987 or email jillyparsons@aol.com
Stud Fee On Request. Stud fee payable on first successful mating and tie. One free return is available if the bitch is not in pup. Side by side Insemination will only be carried out if the bitch is progesterone tested as ready! Costs are available on request and are payable direct to the clinic.